If yellow for the 3rd chakra (will); if pink and green 4th chakra (love); if it violates the 6th (conscience)

Spiritual and mental level:
It promotes the freedom of thought of those who want to live their lives independently. It tends to lead to behavior that is not inclined to compromise, especially when faced with injustices.

It makes you creative and imaginative, enhancing the desire for freedom. It makes you aware of your repressed emotions and facilitates contact with your unconscious if driven by external motivations. Helps overcome addiction, fixed ideas, narrow-mindedness; stimulates logical-cognitive abilities.

Physical level:
stimulates the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory tract and lungs. Strengthens bones and teeth. It makes you agile and flexible, counteracting states of stiffness and joint problems, even arthritic ones

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