Properties and meaning of Prehnite. The following brief summary will help you understand if Prehnite is the stone you were looking for.

You can also find rings, pendants and more in our prehnite jewelry collection

Spiritual and mental level:
helps overcome the tendency to avoid or remove problems. Prehnite makes the individual capable of accepting even the most uncomfortable truths, thus strengthening his personality. It helps to deal with repressed images and memories, allowing you to overcome the traumas associated with them. Gradually, it causes the subject to become more receptive. It induces balance and serenity. Helpful in astral travel.

Physical level:
stimulates fat metabolism, promotes the body's regeneration processes.

Finally, a reference to some books that we can recommend if you want to delve deeper into the properties and meaning of Prehnite should not be missing.

The Stone Manual

The power of the Stones

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