Christmas 2020 - Gift boxes and online navigation

The time has come again this year. Christmas is around the corner.
Even though we cannot participate in our annual Christmas events, we have prepared a vast offer of items to give as gifts for you (over 3000 items online).

Quick navigation through menu categories (top left), search options (top right), and a product filter (above the first product photo on the left) that allows you to quickly search and find ring sizes, the different stones and the keywords.

Gift package for each item

Of course, every piece in our assortment is also a gift at Christmas, for yourself or for others, so every piece purchased is a wrapped gift.
We thank you in advance for your support, should you decide to order a gift from us (unfortunately we artisans are excluded from state support).

We wish us all a Merry Christmas and a 2021 that brings us only positive surprises.

Sara and Andreas

The world of Wit

Christmas 2020