What are the differences between VEDIC ASTROLOGY and Western Astrology?

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The person who gives us this short summary linking it to the right Rudraksha works with Vedic astrology . Western and Vedic astrology are different in many aspects.

What are the differences?

5 Fundamental Differences Between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology

Astrology is the savior of suffering humanity. It is an art as well as a science, which can eradicate sorrows and fill our lives with great happiness. There are two distinct types of astrology, Vedic astrology (Hindi or Jyotish Shastra) and Western astrology. They not only differ in their places of origin but also vary in some other key points even though their main purpose is the same: to eliminate problems and maximize happiness

Vedic Astrology vs. Western astrology

Basically astrology is an incomparable resource for evaluating the potential possibilities of our life. Western astrology is relatively new compared to Vedic astrology as the latter has been practiced for thousands of years: written records are also found in the Vedas.

1. Origin
As the name suggests the origin of Vedic astrology can be traced back to the Vedas the most important scriptures of planet Earth. Vedic astrology was developed by the ancient seers and sages (Rishis) of the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago. So Vedic astrology is ancient and is believed to be the word of God conveyed to the sages of the past.
On the other hand, Western astrology can be traced back to life and intellectual development in ancient Greece. Western astrology is also influenced by Egyptian civilization. Thus Western astrology is a result of the evolution of the intellect and the exploration of the mind.

2. Astrological calculations
The Vedic astrology system deals with a fixed zodiac with a certain Nakshatra (planet) in the background. It is also called the "Sidereal Zodiac". The sidereal year is the time it takes the earth to go around the Sun relative to the fixed star Chitra and this duration is apparently 20 minutes longer than the tropical year.
As far as Western astrology is concerned, it works on a mobile zodiac. This system is based on the orientation of the Earth relative to the Sun. It is also known as the "tropical zodiac".

3. Planets
In Vedic astrology there are a total of 9 planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu, the two nodes of the Moon. Furthermore, while using the 12 signs, Vedic astrology makes use of 27 lunar constellations, called Nakshatras, each of which covers a span of 13 degrees and 20 minutes. (Effects of planets in each house)
Western astrology includes planets like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to predict the future, which is not considered by Vedic astrology. Furthermore, Western astrology does not consider Nakshatras or constellations.

4. Time system
Vedic astrology applies the Vimshotarri Dasha system (a method of timing the planetary system) while analyzing planetary transits for future events.
Western astrology does not use the Dasha system. On the other hand, he studies planetary transits based on their advancements and movements.

5. Solar and lunar system
Western astrology seems to rely more on the movement and positioning of the Sun. So the emphasis is more on the psychology, personality and character of an individual. On the other hand the Vedic or sidereal system is a Moon-based astrological system that covers all areas of life.

Why is Vedic Astrology more advanced?
Vedic astrology is more advanced so it can be very effective and accurate but a little more complex. The Nakshatras the Dasha system and divisional charts in Vedic astrology provide a much deeper insight. When compared to the Western system, Vedic astrology seems straight because it is based on more accurate astronomical principles. It must be taken into consideration that the planets move in the sky according to the Nirayana system. Vedic astrologers not only evaluate the birth chart but also the dashas, ​​the periods of the different planets transiting in the different signs, and their influence in real time.

Furthermore, Vedic astrology is based on the Moon sign relative to the Sun sign. The Sun changes its sign in about a month while the Moon changes its sign in 2.25 days, and that is why predictions based on Moon are closer and more accurate as our moods and circumstances change frequently.

For more in-depth information we recommend contacting a subject expert.