Coronavirus - Shipping

The world of WIT #iorestoacasa

Press release addressed to all our loyal customers:

We too will "stay at home" in these difficult days. In order to limit the possibility of contagion in compliance with the limitations imposed by the government in relation to the coronavirus, we have for now given up the seasonal reopening of the shop and participation in markets.

We inform you that we have taken very seriously the situation we are experiencing regarding the emergency that our nation is facing in these difficult days and we confirm our total availability to support, advise and reassure all those who need it.

We are always operational as usual, all our activities will be carried out without interruptions or limitations with all the tools at our disposal, telephone, chat, email.

Numerous requests have been received in recent days regarding updates on the normal functioning of logistics services in Italy and Europe .

Restrictions on transport and shipping due to Coronavirus:

The Government has specified that the containment rules put in place will not preclude the regular movement of goods and the carrying out of logistics activities throughout the national and foreign territory .

However, the instability of the situation could cause delays or slight disruptions in future days which we will be ready to resolve as per our custom.

We would therefore like to reassure all our customers that our shipments will be carried out regularly , that in the event of variations, unforeseen events or communications we will be happy to intervene or report for a rapid resolution and that for any need we are at your side also via Whatsapp

So always contact us, even to simply be reassured!

This is why we are here and it is always an absolute priority to make our presence felt even if we are at home wearing a pair of slippers, while the cat wanders around us, a child demands his share of attention or asking the dog not to bark.

In the hope that the storm will pass as soon as possible, we renew our total availability as always.

Sara and Andreas